5 Technology Pain Points for Medical Offices in 2024

Get free resources to help address common IT problems in smaller practices

How Small Offices Overcome Big IT Headaches

Navigating the complexities of healthcare IT is a challenge for even the largest, most well-funded healthcare systems.  

But what about small and medium-sized healthcare providers? 

These offices must overcome the same challenges – yet with a fraction of the budget, staff or IT resources they need even to diagnose their IT issues, let alone prescribe the cure. 

Our guide highlights key IT challenges for small and medium-sized healthcare providers while providing valuable free online resources to guide you through making your IT infrastructure as healthy as possible.

But remember: you’re not in this alone. 

We understand the challenges of running a healthcare office and how IT can be a key enabler or a huge headache.  

Let us help you develop an action plan to address your technology goals and solve the IT problems that keep you up at night. 

Contact us for a Free IT Assessment

New Year, New Concerns


of physician groups say investment in IT infrastructure and services is a priority in 2024.


of physician groups say they lack the technical expertise needed to implement new technology like AI in their practice.

“This recommendation to move to Microsoft 365 is exactly the type of value Vertikal6 can provide to HopeHealth through your outsourcing programs. We are not just reducing costs, but we are improving the environment with smart investments in technology. As technology evolves, we always need to be looking for better ways to obtain more value from the dollars we spend. Ideally, reducing our cost of ownership while improving services. Again, this is a perfect example.”

About Vertikal6

Vertikal6 is on a mission to bring big enterprise IT services and expertise to small organizations, including healthcare practices. Whether you need cybersecurity, IT outsourcing, help desk, IT professional services, hosting or software development, we’re here to help healthcare clients maximize revenue and uptime.

Learn more at www.vertikal6.com.