Exciting News: Vertikal6 and Brave River Solutions Are Merging!

Hello Vertikal6 Community,

We have some great news to share with you today! Brave River Solutions has officially merged with Vertikal6. This strategic partnership brings together our world-class IT solutions with an established leader in website and software development, digital marketing, and IT managed services. Clients at both companies will have access to an industry-leading portfolio of capabilities to satisfy a broader set of their needs.

As we join forces, we remain committed to ensuring the combined team delivers a great customer experience while bringing you even better managed IT services and solutions. This merger allows us to enhance our core values of providing exceptional customer service, taking ownership of our work, driving innovation and persistently striving for excellence to help you achieve your goals.

We know you might have a few questions about what this means for you, so we’ve got some answers to help you understand the exciting changes ahead.

What Can You Expect?

First and foremost, it’s business as usual. There will be no structural or personnel changes at either company, so you’ll continue to receive the same excellent service and support you’ve come to expect from Vertikal6. Our commitment to helping you achieve more remains stronger than ever.

What Will the Operating Company Name and Structure Be?

The combined entity will operate under the Vertikal6 name. The legacy Vertikal6 structure will remain intact as Brave River becomes a new division of Vertikal6 and will operate as “Brave River Solutions, a Vertikal6 Company.”

What Happens to the Leadership Structure?

Rick Norberg will remain the CEO of Vertikal6, continuing to lead with the vision and dedication that have been instrumental in our growth and success. Jim McAssey, the President of Brave River Solutions, will remain president of the Brave River division and continue to run that part of the business without any changes. Jim’s mission is to ensure continuity and stability, so Brave River’s clients can be confident you’ll still receive the same great service.

How Will the Merger Impact the Lines of Business for Each Company?

Brave River Solutions brings a web design / digital marketing offering and a mature, well-established software development capability, both of which will remain intact. We have embarked on a deliberate journey to determine the best go-forward structure for managed and professional services with the goal of creating a combined team that adopts best practices from both sides over the coming months.

How Does This Affect You?

In the immediate future, you can expect the same high level of service with no disruptions. In the coming months, we’ll work on a seamless transition to combine our operations, which means expanded solutions and capabilities for you. Your current services, billing and support team will remain the same as we work to enhance your experience, make more services available and deliver even greater value.

We’re incredibly excited about this merger and the opportunities it brings. By combining strengths, Vertikal6 and Brave River Solutions are positioned to offer a broader range of services, greater technological expertise, and a continued commitment to personalized, client-centered service. Our values: Care, Own, Innovate and Persist will continue to guide everything we do.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We’re looking forward to achieving even greater success together!

For more information, you can read our press release here.

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